sparx model repository
It is, in fact, much easier to deploy a Firebird-based repository on a Cloud Server for distributed development than to set up and manage a full DBMS solution.Enterprise Architect uses this terminology when discussing Repositories and their contents. The repositories can be scaled up and down, and a project that started with a single user can be seamlessly scaled up to a large multi-user repository.Enterprise Architect has been built to support inter-disciplinary modelers collaborating to create a single and unified view of a system or enterprise, and the platform has numerous built in features to support this team development. You connect to a DBMS using ADO/ODBC (see In the Corporate, Unified and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect you can further enable the distributed capabilities of Enterprise Architect and use the Internet or local network to connect to a Cloud-based server on which one or more Repositories have been installed and configured for access. By taking advantage of the base UML modeling language, in addition to the numerous extension languages such as BPMN and SysML, plus highly effective frameworks such as TOGAF and UAF/UPDM, modelers, designers, managers and others can build comprehensive, inter-connected models that fully expresses the capabilities, structure and behavior of fully functioning, multi-layered, complex systems and/or enterprises. It is common to start with a File Based Repository and, when the project gets some momentum and there are a number of modelers accessing the repository, to transfer it to a DBMS. Sparx System's WebEA is an application designed to display the data from Enterprise Architect models in a web browser, which means users can review and comment on a model in real time, on a range of mobile devices or a remote work station, without needing to install Enterprise Architect. After creating and accessing your new project in whatever form the Repository takes, you can now use the Existing Projects are accessible via the 'Recent Documents' list under the 'File Management' icon (Connecting to an existing DBMS or Cloud based Repository is discussed in more detail under the relevant sections on working with those Repository types. For new users, you can use the 'Start > Help > Help > Open the Example Model' ribbon option to open and explore the Enterprise Architect Example Repository supplied with Enterprise Architect. Whichever type of repository is implemented, the user interface remains the same and users can seamlessly move from one type of repository to another and continue to contribute as a team member on this powerful modeling platform.In any version of Enterprise Architect you can store a project in a single file with a .eap or .feap extension. Ideal for virtual teams and supporting remote workers.
The success of UML has been proven over and over again in the real world and the number of new technologies and modeling profiles that use UML as the underlying 'meta-language' are tribute to the power and effectiveness of UML.From the very first version of Enterprise Architect the goal has been to provide the best and most accessible support for Team based development.
Cloud-based repositories provide the ultimate in distributed development and minimal client configuration. Enterprise Architect uses industry standard XMI (XML Interchange) format files to store and version model Packages. By leveraging the power of today's DBMS servers and Cloud Based technologies, Enterprise Architect can be easily scaled up to truly epic proportions.
Leverage the Sparx [âŠ] The level of scalability is limited solely by the choice of DBMS or Cloud Technology and the capabilities of the network and server infrastructure the model is deployed on. For example, where the versioning system is used as the single point of truth and de-facto Repository, it could be convenient to use many workgroup or single user based Repositories that reflect the actual model at a particular point in time. You then use Enterprise Architect data transfer functions to move a project from a .eap, .feap or DBMS model into the new project. Give a Name to the repository; Enter an unique Alias Name.This will be part of the URL you use to access this repository. So whatever the actual needs are, Enterprise Architect has a number of solution scenarios that can be adapted to provide the right level of change management and collaborative development. Although initially conceived as a modeling language primarily for software development, over the years the capabilities and formal (standard) extensions have allowed the UML to develop into a rich set of constructs and modeling behaviors that provide very rich and detailed support for everything from software, to business processes, embedded software, enterprise architecture, organizational charts, strategic model, mind mapping, requirements management and much more. It is a starting point for creating models in various modeling languages, it describes how you can turn the tool in a repository.
As a further refinement it is also possible to restrict access to a model using the HTTPS protocol when connecting to a Cloud Based server.
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