British monarchy pros and cons Essay

The Queen is neutral on giving any views on politics and the changing government policy. After Diana death public turned against Queen and the Royal family, in past few years time people has started to shift their hatred to respect for the royal family, firstly the royal wedding and then the golden jubilee celebrations, which make people that that it’ll help strengthen the bond n Role of Monarch.

Since 1918 Britain has been governed in a Democratic system but held a lot of the same customs that it had when it was a monarchy (like a royal family etc.). Although the monarchy system has led to significant contributions in the country since centuries, there exists various negative views about the same. THE BRITISH MONARCHY IS AN OUTDATED GOVERNMENTAL STRUCTURE THAT HAS NO PLACE IN THE MODERN WORLD What are the pros and cons of monarchy in Saudi Arabia?Proponents argue that the Saudi royal family provide long-term political stability, and uphold the kingdom's traditional religious and cultural values, in no small part through the employment of Wahhabi religious scholars. It is like a mixture between monarchy and democracy,and a lot of countrysI believe everyone wants to know where they came from, to better learn who they are.

Detractors argue that the absolute monarchy is not accountable to its people, promotes and exports Islamic extremism, persecutes women, denies religious freedom for non-Muslims, and uses military forces to invade neighboring countries and crush democratic uprisings.Are there any modern countries that have an absolute monarchy?There are a number of countries that fit this category, five countries in the Middle East: Brunei, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia; one in Africa: Swaziland; and one in Europe: Vatican City (where the Pope serves as an absolute theocratic elective monarch).No HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Well it has been identified that the British monarchy created value in 3 different ways, which included: Firstly benefits to the UK tourism industry which included the hotels, air transport, restaurants, shops etc, Second came the big UK business house of the Royal Warrant, which led to the schemes which in turn added higher demands and higher prices to massive 850 companies which included brands like Fortnum and Masons and Berry Brothers were two companies out of 850 who clearly had benefits from the luxury connotations of a Royal Warrant. Monarchy system has helped to strengthen national unity and stability. People have their own views and opinions regarding the British Monarchy System.The main objective of the study was to analyze the significant importance of the British Monarchy System. This is required because the power of the throne rests in the lands and people being governed. However, it was in 1707 when England and Scotland came together to join the United Kingdom which was then referred to a Kingdom of Great Britain. It should not be abolished.It has led to the economic, social and cultural growth of the nation through centuries and thus, should be respected and honored.The British Monarchy System is a symbol of prosperity and growth, therefore should prevail for centuries more to come.To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below:If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on the website then please:Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on work is written to order. The Queen meets various personnel’s right from the foreign ambassadors to commissioners who come to England also makes visits to other countries where The Queen represents to support social and economic relations. The civil list is been since the time of King George III in 1760, to fund the cost of government by the parliament. Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so.Statue of Queen Victoria. There is no doubt about the fact that the authority and rights to rule and govern the country is still through the monarch but the powers can be used within the laws which have been passed in the Parliament which should maintain the unity of the country and set some standards.It is from the Scottish Kings and others that the monarchy system traces its genesis from. As known London is famous for its economic growth i.e it is one of the largest finance centre along with New York. This is when they were also named as executive monarchs. The term “Monarch” basically refers to the king or queen. The Queen is neutral on giving any views on politics and the changing government policy. It earns its maximum revenue through tourism which adds on to increasing the GDP of the country. Lawyers in ancient Greece served a similar purpose to those that existed in the courts during the Middle Ages.

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British monarchy pros and cons Essay